Presentation of the Doctoral School La Rochelle Université > Research and Innovation > PHD > PHD informations > Presentation of the Doctoral School Published on 5 September 2019 - updated on 13 July 2023 The doctoral school (ED) is a multidisciplinary doctoral school attached to La Rochelle University. It gathers the missions that were previously entrusted to the 6 doctoral schools, which are to ensure thematic training and to validate the three types of training: transverse, thematic and specific. Presentation of the doctoral school The doctoral school covers all the scientific disciplines of the research units of La Rochelle Université which are attached to it : Chize Centre for Biological Studies : CEBC UMR CNRS 7372 Research Centre for Atlantic and International History : CRHIA EA 1163 Laboratory of Informatics Image Interaction : L3I EA2118 Laboratory of Engineering Sciences for the Environment : LaSIE UMR CNRS 7356 Littoral, Environment and Society : LIENSs UMR CNRS 7266 Mathematics Image and Application : MIA EA 3165 Asian Dynamics, Interactions and Intercultuurality : D2IA UMRU 24140 Interdisciplinary Laboratory Territory History Organization Regulation Law : LITHORAL Digital Uses for Sustainable Development : NUDD PELAGIS Observatory In addition, there is the Laboratory of Genetics and Pathology of Marine Mollusks of the unit Health, Genetics and Microbiology of Mollusks (SG2M) of the Department Biological Resources and Environment (RBE) – IFREMER, La Tremblade. The Doctoral School thus gathers a potential of supervision of theses of approximately 260 teachers-researchers. The missions of the doctoral school The main mission of the ED is to accompany the doctoral student from the recruitment process to the defense of the doctorate, and then to follow up on the student’s future in terms of job opportunities. During the preparation of the thesis, the support takes the form of a certain number of activities, follow-up and training offers that can be summarized as follows : a formal welcome during the doctoral students’ first day of classes, the setting up of transversal training and specific training. The study regulations detail the type and number of 15-hour modules to be validated before the defense. The ED also validates other training courses taken outside the university after studying the request. The latter may benefit from financial support from the ED in addition to that of the host unit. to monitor the working environment of doctoral students and to validate the defense juries. Doctoral training allows doctoral students to : access to in-depth training in their field of research with a particular ability to conceptualize problems, as well as a broad scientific culture, to prepare for their professional insertion, and to bring them a European and international opening. Contact Doctoral School +33 (0)5 46 45 83 41 et +33 (0)5 46 45 87 12 Send a message