Aids to success

To guide you through your first steps in higher education, and to help you succeed throughout your university career, La Rochelle Université has set up a number of measures.


La Rochelle University goes out to meet high school students and welcomes them to discover the University: many information activities are carried out for them.


The ‘yes if’ scheme

The aim of the “yes if” scheme (law on student success orientation) is to adapt the course of study for students whose baccalaureate or level of study does not correspond to the expectations of a degree. This can take the form of an extended licence (4-year licence), a 3-year licence with parallel supplements or a 2-year L1.
You can find details of these arrangements on Parcoursup, depending on your degree.

Back-to-school interviews

During the first weeks of the new academic year, each student is interviewed by one of their teachers. This is an opportunity to review the results of the placement tests, orientation, the first courses and to discuss possible adjustments to the course to enable the student to pursue his or her course as well as possible.

Pre-requisite placement test:

The pre-requisite placement tests, intended for L1 students, make it possible to identify individual strengths and weaknesses as early as possible, allowing each student to be aware of them and to propose, according to their identified needs, to set up an adapted remediation. These tests take place at the beginning of the school year in September.


Mentoring brings together a newcomer student and a student from the same course of study in the next year (where possible).

The aim is to facilitate the entry and integration of undergraduates into the student community and to combat isolation and early drop-out.


Since the start of the 2018 academic year, La Rochelle University has been developing a peer tutoring programme for first-year undergraduate students. These peers are experienced students recruited from the L3 level onwards to help first-year students in the same course to understand the courses, identify important notions, revise and learn working methods.

Professionalization courses

  • THE “ARP EC”

A compulsory course from the 1st to the 3rd year of the Bachelor’s degree, the Accompaniment to the Success of my Project course enables the student community to familiarise themselves with their university environment, to acquire its codes and methodology, but also to reflect on their orientation project and to prepare their future professional integration as well as possible.

  • The Professional Experience EC

This free EC allows students who so wish to acquire professional experience in a field that interests them, to discover the world of work and to confirm, or not, a professional project. Students can develop their professional skills and enrich their CVs to facilitate their future integration.


If you wish to change your course of study or reorient your career path, there are several mechanisms available (Parcoursup, DU PaReO, DU Tremplin, etc.) to guide you in your choices and procedures and to inform you at information meetings, forums or individual interviews.