Master Course of Engineering (CMI)

Become an expert in engineering. The Master Course of Engineering of La Rochelle Université provides a comprehensive overview of the industry

The CMI Master course: the first step to your engineering career.

The Master Course of Engineering (CMI) is a 5-year selective programme preparing students to engineering careers. This ambitious course is built to reinforce both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree. At La Rochelle Université, the CMI offers 7 specialisations: Environmental studies, Biotechnology, Civil engineering, Geoscience, Computer science (IT), Material science, Mathematics.

From the CMI director:

Provided by universities, the Master Course of Engineering (CMI) prepares students to engineering careers. At La Rochelle Université, we offer tailored teaching programmes. These include working on personal development, in small groups, doing internships in internationally recognised laboratories, and collaborating with the research and innovation sectors. We benefit from an international network, with both French and foreign partners. Thus, at any level of studies, our students can participate in a mobility programme. In today’s increasingly complex world, the CMI alumni, whether as researchers or employees, bring innovation and rigour to public and private sectors. The CMI is truly unique, offering numerous opportunities such as creating your company, participating in art or associations, discovering cultures and so on.

Jump on the bandwagon and be part of this adventure.

Hélène Thomas


  • The university course was awarded the CMI national label of excellence, inspired by the universally recognised MIT model.
  • The selection process is based on students’ records and interviews.
  • From the first year, students enter research laboratories.
  • The course is part of the FIGURE network which includes mobility programmes between partner universities.


  • A progressive 5-year course on engineering skills. The objective is for students to develop management and scientific knowledge through projects and internships.
  • 20% extra complementary teaching – compared to traditional Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
  • An 5-year innovative pedagogy, including doing projects and internships for 9 months in both research laboratories and companies. Professional-focused activities and strong research are at the core of the course.
  • A 14-week internship in a company to comply with the engineering diploma requirements.
  • Students’ guidance and supervision to develop entrepreneurship and innovation skills. From their third year, students create their own company and build their own network (of students, researchers and socio-professionals).
  • An international experience, from lectures taught in English to a mandatory mobility of 3 months minimum.
  • A close cooperation with researchers and companies. Interactive seminars are organised and a professional development committee led by both teachers and industrials is created to better address the needs and constraints of the students’ work environment.
  • CMI alumni may undertake PhD studies to open doors to research and innovation careers.

La Rochelle Université, member of the national co-operative network FIGURE since 2012, offers a Master Course of Engineering (CMI) in 8 specialisations:

  • Environmental engineering and coastal territories (Environmental studies)
  • Biotechnology engineering (Biotechnology)
  • Building engineering (Civil engineering)
  • Material and structure sustainability (Material science)
  • Geoscience and geophysics of the coastline (Geoscience)
  • Digital content engineering (Computer science (IT))
  • Mathematics and application (Mathematics)

Our CMI programmes can be found in our online catalogue.

Master Course of Engineering (CMI)

Support research laboratories, cooperating with national and international laboratories are:

Partners fully supporting the Master Course of Engineering (CMI) of La Rochelle Université are:

Alstom, Delpeyrat, Fleury-Michon, Institut Français du Pétrole et des Energies Nouvelles, Numtech, CGI Informatique, QUALYSE, SAFRAN, Plateforme Biopark, l’Association Elles Bougent, les bureaux d’études BIO-LITTORAL, ODYSSEE DEVELOPPEMENT, CASAGEC Ingénierie, CREOCEAN, Institut Français du Pétrole et des Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) Lyon, Airbus Helicopters, le Port Atlantique La Rochelle, la Régie du Port de Plaisance de La Rochelle, le Port de Chef de Baie à La Rochelle, Le Comité régional de la Conchyliculture 17, STARESO, la Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO), le Comité Départemental 17, la Communauté d’Agglomération de La Rochelle, la Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer (DDTM), le Groupement Colombophile de la Charente Maritime (GC17).