
A dynamic of innovation for socioeconomic development.

“The aim of CampusInnov is to stimulate a dynamic of innovation contributing to the development of the socio-economic environment. CampusInnov offers space and systems to enable the emergence, implementation and enhancement of technological, social, cultural and service innovation projects in the form of startups, joint laboratories and renewed innovation in existing companies.

Centred on the activity of higher education institutions, and in relation to other stakeholders in the socio-economic environment, CampusInnov is part of the technopolitan approach of the La Rochelle Urban Community, the priority orientations of the region (SLESRI ) and of New Aquitaine (SRESRI). It thus contributes to a better visibility : it promotes collaboration between public and private sector stakeholders for innovation and the organisation of shared projects between academic and other economic stakeholders (companies, clusters, communities, organizations and other establishments).”

Pascal Estrallier, Vice-President Innovation and Socioeconomic Development

The CampusInnov Dynamic

At La Rochelle Université, CampusInnov’s dynamic is based on a transformation of its teaching practices centred on skills development, support for student initiatives, project-based support and a strong interaction with the socio-economic stakeholders. . It focuses on environmental, energy and digital transitions.


Whatever the maturation stage of your project, CampusInnov accompanies you from the beginning to the development of your activity (training, prototyping, maturation, incubation, small series, follow-up).

Activities around the CampusInnov dynamics

  • Follow-Up of a New Activity
    Support for a new activity
  • Incubation of an innovation project
    Business Plan, Support, and Fund Raising
  • Maturation of an idea for an innovation project
    Support by a mentor/sponsor, development of a project with an establishedteam, mutualisation of resources for projects.
  • Detection and development of the idea
    The first formulation of the idea, quick development of the model, project dynamic combining junior/senior.
  • Training – Awareness of entrepreneurship
    Orientation toward better measures, awareness of innovation and the creation of activities.

Link Students/Firms

CampusInnov advises firms and students. It provides workspaces, training, platforms and technical provisions for innovative projects.


  • Maturation of innovative projects and support for laboratory R&D
  • Technical provisions & small scale productions
  • Sandwich courses & day release training
  • Multidisciplinary innovative tutored projects (Prototype & studies )


  • Support and Incubation of innovative projects
  • Provision of creativity spaces
  • Training and Awareness of entrepreneurship

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