Screening and Addiction

The Health Service provides free consultations for students for screening or addiction-related problems.

Free and Anonymous Screening

The Health Services provides anonymous testing for AIDS and Hepatitis B and C. The medical team is accompaniedbythe staff of the “Centre Gratuit de Depistage et DIagnostiques” (Free Screening and Diagnostics Centre).

The terms are as follows :

  • Open to all students
  • Free but limited number of places
  • Without an appointment: A secretary takesyourcontact details before placing you on a waiting list for the screening.

Screening all through the year in La Rochelle

Schedules, addresses, telephone numbers: find out all you need to know about the free center for information, screening and diagnosis (CeGIDD) :

Center Gratuit d’Informations, de Dépistages et de Diagnostics (CeGIDD) – Hôpital Saint-Louis
1 rue du Dr Schweitzer
17000 La Rochelle
Appointments on 05 46 45 52 40 or via Doctolib

Free Consultation for Addiction-related problems

Occasionally, the university health service offers free consultations with a clinical psychologist to deal with addictions and is intended for students concerned, directly or indirectly, with a problem of dependence on a product (cannabis, cocaine, heroin) or behavior (video games, internet, games, etc.), money, eating disorders).

The purpose of this consultation is to provide specialized professional help and advice and, where appropriate, to suggest appropriate care and / or guidance.

Contact Student Medical Service +33(0)5 46 45 84 46

Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.