A service dedicated to students with a disability

La Rochelle University aims to become a reference for the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Disability is everyone’s business !

“La Rochelle University has a proactive approach to disability and aims to be exemplary in this area.

Thus, Relais Handicapaccompanies students with disabilities, whether temporary or long-term, to help them successfully complete their studies.

In particular, the Relais makes specific arrangements for students with disabilities. In association with the University Health Service (SDSU), our teaching teams work in multi-skilled teams to be able to adapt to these specific situations. The growing number of students benefiting from these arrangements shows the effectiveness of the system and the involvement of all the staff of La Rochelle university has helped constitute genuinely personalized degree programmes.

In addition, a Handicap counsellor in the Human Resources Department is responsible for raising awareness within the university community and setting up workstations for employees with disabilities.

Providing a high quality environment where we can all live together is a daily challenge. There is still a long way to go in the fight against prejudice, but La Rochelle University has definitely made a good start.”

Julien Sampedro, Vice-President Handicap

Relais Handicap, a really welcoming place

Amandine and Alessandro, the counsellors of the service, will help you :

  • define your degree programme before you come to the University
  • Assess your needs
  • Provide a personalised follow-up throughout your studies.

Come and meet us on the ground floor at the Technoforum !

Contact Disability Service

Open :
Monday - Friday : 9 am - 12:15 am / 1:30 pm - 4:15 pm