Getting ready for university

Relais Handicap welcomes and supports students with disabilities during their university career regardless of the nature of the disability. To prepare your arrival as well as possible, you should make an appointment with the Relais Handicap counsellor during you final year of High School.

Things to do before you come to the university

A degree programme needs to be carefully planned in advance. Knowing in high school that we have solutions for your specific needs makes it easier to envisage studying with us. Don’t hesitate to contact Relais Handicap in your last year at High School so that we can help you and:

Meet the Disability Service counsellors

The Relais Handicap team is at your disposal for any questions or requests for information, whether for organisational, personal or technical assistance.

Contact Disability Service

Open :
Monday - Friday : 9 am - 12:15 am / 1:30 pm - 4:15 pm